These are ads that will appear across Meta platforms – Facebook and Instagram – in targets’ feeds/timelines. We have four primary elements here:
🚨The EPA is taking public input on their proposal to replace ALL lead service lines that provide our drinking water 💧 Public comments are incredibly influential. The more people who are in on this, the better chance we have to get all of our demands heard.
Please send a message now to the EPA calling for important fixes to its new lead service line rule.
🚨The EPA is taking public input on their proposal to replace ALL lead service lines that provide our drinking water 💧 Public comments are incredibly influential. The more people who are in on this, the better chance we have to get all of our demands heard.
Please send a message now to the EPA calling for important fixes to its new lead service line rule.
These are ads that will appear across Meta platforms – Facebook and Instagram – in targets’ stories. Stories are accessed at the top of their feeds when they open the app or scattered occasionally into their feeds.
Anything submitted here will be sent over to your client team at SBD!