These are display ads that appear on thousands of sites across the Internet in ad space auctioned off in a split-second bidding war through our DSP. Targets could see these ads on Words with Friends, the New York Times website, a tutorial on raised vegetable gardening, and more. Although they will appear on both desktop and mobile devices, for the sake of reviewing on this portal, please review on a desktop or laptop for accurate sizing/placement.
Imagine that this is the New York Times! Or your local online newspaper. The rest of this text is just filler text.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean faucibus mattis turpis, ut porttitor libero condimentum at. Nam quis suscipit leo. Sed luctus et quam eget rhoncus. Proin eget porttitor dolor. Curabitur iaculis ante sapien, at scelerisque elit viverra ut. Vivamus venenatis arcu sed eros placerat, nec malesuada ex ultrices. Fusce erat velit, volutpat id placerat commodo, vehicula vitae diam. Aenean at lectus eu dui viverra ullamcorper. Etiam risus elit, varius vitae metus ut, egestas dignissim elit.
Cras leo turpis, tristique nec arcu ut, ultricies sagittis velit. Maecenas aliquam est vel metus pellentesque pellentesque. Morbi et ultrices dui. Nunc ullamcorper fermentum vestibulum. Integer vel porta lacus. Ut egestas, mauris ac maximus accumsan, dolor nulla malesuada sapien, quis mattis magna eros ac velit. In eu arcu ac neque imperdiet molestie.
Quisque vel elit libero. Mauris sodales libero tristique malesuada dignissim. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse ornare eros eu diam sagittis pulvinar. Morbi tristique molestie eros, ac placerat velit maximus nec. Proin non finibus velit. Nam ut ligula ullamcorper, aliquet leo non, bibendum risus. Quisque dignissim sed orci at maximus. Sed ornare, tellus nec ultricies interdum, ligula felis accumsan velit, sed lacinia ex leo et nulla. Ut auctor justo quis dui lobortis tempus. Vestibulum id aliquet elit. Phasellus consectetur nec odio a tincidunt.
Quisque vel elit libero. Mauris sodales libero tristique malesuada dignissim. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse ornare eros eu diam sagittis pulvinar. Morbi tristique molestie eros, ac placerat velit maximus nec. Proin non finibus velit.
These are ads that will appear across Meta platforms – Facebook and Instagram – in targets’ feeds/timelines. We have four primary elements here:
In the Assembly, Bob Donovan voted to increase taxpayer money going to private schools.
In November, he’ll face former Whitnall School Board member LuAnn Bird, who has been endorsed by the Wisconsin teachers union.
In the Assembly, Bob Donovan voted to increase taxpayer money going to private schools.
In November, he’ll face former Whitnall School Board member LuAnn Bird, who has been endorsed by the Wisconsin teachers union.
These are ads that will appear across Meta platforms – Facebook and Instagram – in targets’ stories. Stories are accessed at the top of their feeds when they open the app or scattered occasionally into their feeds.
Unlike Facebook, organic Instagram doesn’t support links or “OpenGraph” content (often referred to as “Social Share Cards”). When we post organically on Instagram, we’ll post a modified creative that doesn’t have a clickthru link. In our share text, we’ll let folks know that the link is in our bio.
Anything submitted here will be sent over to your client team at SBD!