These are ads that will appear across Meta platforms – Facebook and Instagram – in targets’ feeds/timelines. We have four primary elements here:
Hi, I’m Stephanie Tomana, your neighbor and candidate for the West Virginia House of Delegates. I’m running because I believe we all deserve more from Charleston: better schools, good infrastructure, reliable Internet and cell service, and jobs that pay good wages.
Go to my website to learn about who I am and what I stand for.
Hi, I’m Stephanie Tomana, your neighbor and candidate for the West Virginia House of Delegates. I’m running because I believe we all deserve more from Charleston: better schools, good infrastructure, reliable Internet and cell service, and jobs that pay good wages.
Go to my website to learn about who I am and what I stand for.
These are ads that will appear across Meta platforms – Facebook and Instagram – in targets’ stories. Stories are accessed at the top of their feeds when they open the app or scattered occasionally into their feeds.
Anything submitted here will be sent over to your client team at SBD!